Sunday, October 24, 2010


Baru lepas makan n i feel so boring one to text cos kdit jamm!!
aikss...text in fb pun memboringkan jugak..sometymes just feel like so sick jew...hmmm...
hmmmmm n hmmmm,.... i guess im just goin to write my heart out in my blog...bersiap lah semue..wawawa....

hari nie kiteorang takde text lar..tak tau nape...munkkin die busy kot...besalah kan dah die tuh orang penting jugak kat tempat die tinggal tuh...tak leh lah jugak nak kate pape kan..mungkin im starting to like him a bit..mybe jak la...
tak tau la if he feel d same way oso...mybe...mybe not...
:)..but i do feel like im in peace wen ever his around me..walaupun tak cakap...
dalam diam i now he comunicating wif me in his own way of comunicating...
ape dah jadi wif me now...oh dear....
am i in love once again...oh no...
tak tau lah...belum lagi bersedia utk relationship lah me.....
tak nak rasa nak rasa cemburu tak tentu pasal.....

n tak nak fkr yg bukan2x....
come on!!!!!u stronger den u tink..!!!

but i tink his making my heart week.....hue...

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